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Por Andersson, E, Aralaguppe, S, Thebo, L, Sönnerborg, A, Neogi, U, Albert, J
Publicado no Virus Evol (2019)
“... patterns, and drug resistance in minor quasispecies, a robust protocol for pan-genotypic near full-length...”Publicado no Virus Evol (2019)
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“..., systolic BP Z-scores were nearly identical (bias = 0.06, LOA = 0.02 to 0.10). For older children...”
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“... near-optimal protein sequence alignments produced by the Zuker algorithm and a set of probabilistic...”
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“... & Meyer, 2016; Fredriksen-Goldsen, 2016). Yet nearly 5 million lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) adults...”
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“... < 0.05). The AIC, AICC, BIC, and -2LL in the multilevel linear models of TBP, PBA, LBW, and ABW were all...”
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Por The NEXT collaboration, J. Renner, G. Díaz López, P. Ferrario, J. A. Hernando Morata, M. Kekic, G. Martínez-Lema, F. Monrabal, J. J. Gómez-Cadenas, C. Adams, V. Álvarez, L. Arazi, I. J. Arnquist, C. D. R Azevedo, K. Bailey, F. Ballester, J. M. Benlloch-Rodríguez, F. I. G. M. Borges, N. Byrnes, S. Cárcel, J. V. Carrión, S. Cebrián, E. Church, C. A. N. Conde, T. Contreras, J. Díaz, M. Diesburg, J. Escada, R. Esteve, R. Felkai, A. F. M. Fernandes, L. M. P. Fernandes, A. L. Ferreira, E. D. C. Freitas, J. Generowicz, S. Ghosh, A. Goldschmidt, D. González-Díaz, R. Guenette, R. M. Gutiérrez, J. Haefner, K. Hafidi, J. Hauptman, C. A. O. Henriques, P. Herrero, V. Herrero, Y. Ifergan, S. Johnston, B. J. P. Jones, L. Labarga, A. Laing, P. Lebrun, N. López-March, M. Losada, R. D. P. Mano, J. Martín-Albo, A. Martínez, A. D. McDonald, C. M. B. Monteiro, F.J. Mora, J. Muñoz Vidal, P. Novella, D. R. Nygren, B. Palmeiro, A. Para, J. Pérez, F. Psihas, M. Querol, J. Repond, S. Riordan, L. Ripoll, Y. Rodríguez García, J. Rodríguez, L. Rogers, B. Romeo, C. Romo-Luque, F. P. Santos, J. M. F. dos Santos, A. Simón, C. Sofka, M. Sorel, T. Stiegler, J. F. Toledo, J. Torrent, A. Usón, J. F. C. A. Veloso, R. Webb, R. Weiss-Babai, J. T. White, K. Woodruff, N. Yahlali
Publicado em 2019-10-01
“..., such as neutrinoless double-beta decay (ββ0ν), which require precise energy measurements. Using the NEXT-White detector...”Publicado em 2019-10-01
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“... SMCs, and that these can adopt a broad range of plaque cell phenotypes. Most of these models are based...”
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“... data indicates nearly 1/3 of participants were at risk for malnutrition and unaware that malnutrition...”
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Por Snow, Joshua J., Lee, Myon-Hee, Verheyden, Jamie, Kroll-Conner, Peggy L., Kimble, Judith
Publicado em 2012
“..., and they can function as tumor suppressors in mice. The single Caenorhabditis elegans Tob/BTG ortholog, FOG-3...”Publicado em 2012
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Por Samantha J. Chiew, Kym L. Butler, Sally L. Sherwen, Grahame J. Coleman, Vicky Melfi, Alicia Burns, Paul H. Hemsworth
Publicado em 2020-07-01
“..., vigilance and avoidance towards zoo visitors which can be indicative of fear. Here, we examined the effects...”Publicado em 2020-07-01
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Por Claudia Lange, Richard J. Weld, Murray P. Cox, Rosie E. Bradshaw, Kirstin L. McLean, Alison Stewart, Johanna M. Steyaert
Publicado em 2016-05-01
“...PeerJ...”Publicado em 2016-05-01
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“...Phytophagous pentatomid insects can negatively impact agricultural productivity and the brown...”
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Por Jurgen D. Garbrecht, Mark A. Nearing, Jean L. Steiner, Xunchang J. Zhang, Mary H. Nichols
Publicado em 2015-12-01
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Por Robbins, Kate L., Glascock, Jacqueline J., Osman, Erkan Y., Miller, Madeline R., Lorson, Christian L.
Publicado em 2014
“... points. We have recently shown that ICV delivery of scAAV9-SMN is more effective than a similar dose...”Publicado em 2014
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Por Hartmann, J T, Vangerow, A von, Fels, L M, Knop, S, Stolte, H, Kanz, L, Bokemeyer, C
Publicado em 2001
“... μl(−1))were observed at days 9 versus 10 and 10 versus 12, respectively, both slightly in favour...”Publicado em 2001
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“... information associated with it. Taxa provides parsers that can read common sources of taxonomic information...”
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“... at this early stage of technology development, nearly monodisperse GAGs can be made with either natural...”
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Por D. Rudolph, B. Blank, J. Giovinazzo, T. Roger, H. Alvarez-Pol, A. Arokia Raj, P. Ascher, M. Caamaño-Fresco, L. Caceres, D.M. Cox, B. Fernández-Domínguez, J. Lois-Fuentes, M. Gerbaux, S. Grévy, G.F. Grinyer, O. Kamalou, B. Mauss, A. Mentana, J. Pancin, J. Pibernat, J. Piot, O. Sorlin, C. Stodel, J.-C. Thomas, M. Versteegen
Publicado em 2022-07-01
“... calculations in the fp model space, effective charges for E4 transitions near N=Z 56Ni can be deduced: επ≈1.40...”Publicado em 2022-07-01
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Por Holland, Jason P., Evans, Michael J., Rice, Samuel L., Wongvipat, John, Sawyers, Charles L., Lewis, Jason S.
Publicado em 2012
“...A non-invasive technology that quantitatively measures the activity of oncogenic signaling pathways...”Publicado em 2012
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Por A. J. L. Harris, N. Villeneuve, A. Di Muro, V. Ferrazzini, A. Peltier, D. Coppola, M. Favalli, P. Bachèlery, J.-L. Froger, L. Gurioli, S. Moune, I. Vlastélic, B. Galle, S. Arellano
Publicado em 2017-06-01
“... is high, so that a well-coordinated and rapid response involving near-real time delivery of trusted...”Publicado em 2017-06-01
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