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Por Carlos Lobo, Ralfo Matos, Ricardo A. Garcia
Publicado no Revista Brasileira de Estudos Urbanos e Regionais (RBEUR) (2012)
“... A M obilidAde e spACiAl dA p opul Ação C A r l o s l o b o r A l f o M A t o s r i C A r d o...”Publicado no Revista Brasileira de Estudos Urbanos e Regionais (RBEUR) (2012)
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Por Mathews, John
Publicado em 2020
“... podem ter confiança em um modelo que os prende à dependência de combustível fóssil indefinidamente...”Publicado em 2020
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Por Ferreira, Pedro Thyago dos Santos
Publicado em 2021
“...Tomás de Aquino defende que a alma e as partes corpóreas humanas são subsistentes por si, levando a...”Publicado em 2021
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“... as 2019-nCoV and subsequently SARS-CoV-2. This is a new virus that is much closer genetically...”
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“... as 2019-nCoV and subsequently SARS-CoV-2. This is a new virus that is much closer genetically...”
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Por Duong, Dang Anh, Dung, Vu Chi, Dat, Nguyen Phu, Ngoc, Can Thi Bich, Thao, Bui Phuong, Khanh, Nguyen Ngoc, Dien, Tran Minh
Publicado no Ann Transl Med (2015)
“... was treated with 2 mL/kg 10% glucose i.v. followed by a continuous i.v. glucose infusion (9.57 mg/kg/min...”Publicado no Ann Transl Med (2015)
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Por Fergerson, Gerard
Publicado em 2001
“... research, has now largely disowned it, tales and stories a bound in the social policy and health literature...”Publicado em 2001
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Por Edmund Weisberg
Publicado em 2016-06-01
“... not unfounded. Recent cases of Western pharmaceutical company Pfizer’s malfeasance in a Nigerian meningitis...”Publicado em 2016-06-01
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Por José Florencio F. Lapeña
Publicado em 2019-06-01
“..., even if that person did not meet the four ICMJE authorship criteria.4,5 Bestowing the gift on a Chief...”Publicado em 2019-06-01
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Por Silvestre, Leandro Costa, Mendonça, Juan Diego Lourenço de, Xavier, Sergio Romero da Silva, Jadim, Jomar Gomes
Publicado em 2019
“...A Floresta Atlântica apresenta uma fitofisionomia variável ao longo de sua extensão latitudinal...”Publicado em 2019
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Por Wade, Robert
Publicado em 2020
“...Antes da década de 1980, a principal receita dada pelo Ocidente aos países em desenvolvimento para...”Publicado em 2020
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Por Albrecht, Míriam Pilz, Reis, Andressa da Silva, Neres-Lima, Vinícius, Zandonà, Eugenia
Publicado em 2021
“...A análise de isótopos estáveis (AIE) se tornou uma ferramenta essencial na Ecologia, sendo cada vez...”Publicado em 2021
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Por Mir, Fazia, Achakzai, Ilyas, Ibdah, Jamal A., Tahan, Veysel
Publicado no Case Rep Gastrointest Med (2017)
“...Case Report...”Publicado no Case Rep Gastrointest Med (2017)
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“...Reported in 1971 were the cases of three brothers, two of whom had developed sarcoidosis...”
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“... reconstructive techniques provide an excellent outcome for penile replantation. We reported a case of soft palate...”
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Publicado no Revista de Gestão dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (2023)
“...This teaching case illustrates a dilemma for Gabriel, a young man working as head of Rio de...”Publicado no Revista de Gestão dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (2023)
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Por Perez, Raphaël P A, Dauzat, Jean, Pallas, Benoît, Lamour, Julien, Verley, Philippe, Caliman, Jean-Pierre, Costes, Evelyne, Faivre, Robert
Publicado no Ann Bot (2018)
“... was estimated on plants with a leaf area index between 3.2 and 5.5 m(2) m(−2) (corresponding to usual agronomic...”Publicado no Ann Bot (2018)
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“... as a presume, and the toolkit that formed it significantly limits the efficiency of companies. A...”
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Por Amariles, Pedro, Ledezma-Morales, Mónica, Salazar-Ospina, Andrea, Hincapié-García, Jaime Alejandro
Publicado no Res Social Adm Pharm (2021)
“..., and it is now trying to avoid or minimize the last stage of “community transmission”. We present a route...”Publicado no Res Social Adm Pharm (2021)
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