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daily computed » daily computer (Expandir a Pesquisa), early computed (Expandir a Pesquisa), daily compared (Expandir a Pesquisa)
computed law » computer law (Expandir a Pesquisa), computed flow (Expandir a Pesquisa), compared law (Expandir a Pesquisa)
campus codo » campus do (Expandir a Pesquisa), campus com (Expandir a Pesquisa), campus apodi (Expandir a Pesquisa)
basal chemo » based chemo (Expandir a Pesquisa), basal como (Expandir a Pesquisa), visual chemo (Expandir a Pesquisa)
el campus » del campus (Expandir a Pesquisa), el campo (Expandir a Pesquisa), _ campus (Expandir a Pesquisa)
codo net » code net (Expandir a Pesquisa), codo de (Expandir a Pesquisa), codo en (Expandir a Pesquisa)
l3 basal » 13 basal (Expandir a Pesquisa), 3 basal (Expandir a Pesquisa), 239 basal (Expandir a Pesquisa)
law non » law note (Expandir a Pesquisa), thaw non (Expandir a Pesquisa)
j el » j l (Expandir a Pesquisa), j e (Expandir a Pesquisa), j al (Expandir a Pesquisa)
daily computed » daily computer (Expandir a Pesquisa), early computed (Expandir a Pesquisa), daily compared (Expandir a Pesquisa)
computed law » computer law (Expandir a Pesquisa), computed flow (Expandir a Pesquisa), compared law (Expandir a Pesquisa)
campus codo » campus do (Expandir a Pesquisa), campus com (Expandir a Pesquisa), campus apodi (Expandir a Pesquisa)
basal chemo » based chemo (Expandir a Pesquisa), basal como (Expandir a Pesquisa), visual chemo (Expandir a Pesquisa)
el campus » del campus (Expandir a Pesquisa), el campo (Expandir a Pesquisa), _ campus (Expandir a Pesquisa)
codo net » code net (Expandir a Pesquisa), codo de (Expandir a Pesquisa), codo en (Expandir a Pesquisa)
l3 basal » 13 basal (Expandir a Pesquisa), 3 basal (Expandir a Pesquisa), 239 basal (Expandir a Pesquisa)
law non » law note (Expandir a Pesquisa), thaw non (Expandir a Pesquisa)
j el » j l (Expandir a Pesquisa), j e (Expandir a Pesquisa), j al (Expandir a Pesquisa)
Por Pineda, E., Valduvieco, I., Pujol, T., Oleaga, L., Ribalta, T., Caral, L., Gonzalez, J., Boget, T., Graus, F., Verger, E.
Publicado em 2014
“... than 65 years, and 87 (42%) patients were 65 years old or older. No differences were found in basal...”Publicado em 2014
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Por Saunders, Travis J., MacDonald, Dany J., Copeland, Jennifer L., Longmuir, Patricia E., Barnes, Joel D., Belanger, Kevin, Bruner, Brenda, Gregg, Melanie J., Hall, Nathan, Kolen, Angela M., Law, Barbi, Martin, Luc J., Sheehan, Dwayne, Stone, Michelle R., Woodruff, Sarah J., Tremblay, Mark S.
Publicado no BMC Public Health (2018)
“..., computer and video game use), non-screen sedentary behaviours (reading, doing homework, sitting and talking...”Publicado no BMC Public Health (2018)
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Por Hajna, Samantha, Ross, Nancy A, Joseph, Lawrence, Harper, Sam, Dasgupta, Kaberi
Publicado no BMJ Open (2015)
“... and the Walk Score) with self-reported utilitarian walking and accelerometer-assessed daily steps in Canadian...”Publicado no BMJ Open (2015)
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“... to be easily and securely shared between public health ESSENCE users and non-public health partners...”
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Publicado no SpringerBriefs in Criminology
“...thema EDItEUR::L Law::LN Laws of specific jurisdictions and specific areas of law::LNQ...”Obter o texto integral
Por Sun, Zhong, Pedretti, Giacomo, Bricalli, Alessandro, Ielmini, Daniele
Publicado no Sci Adv (2020)
“... by the ubiquitous sensors used in daily life. High-speed, low-energy computing machines are in demand to enable real...”Publicado no Sci Adv (2020)
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Por Bradbury, Naomi V., Probert, William J. M., Shea, Katriona, Runge, Michael C., Fonnesbeck, Christopher J., Keeling, Matt J., Ferrari, Matthew J., Tildesley, Michael J.
Publicado no PLoS Comput Biol (2017)
“...Foot-and-mouth disease outbreaks in non-endemic countries can lead to large economic costs...”Publicado no PLoS Comput Biol (2017)
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Por Woods, David L., Wyma, John M., Herron, Timothy J., Yund, E. William
Publicado no PLoS One (2016)
“... control participants (ages 18 to 82 years) correlated with age, education, and daily computer-use. Each...”Publicado no PLoS One (2016)
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Por Akhtar Sherin
Publicado em 2014-03-01
“... in the fiscal year 2009-10 with a 29% increase than 2008-9.2 Although the male and female life expectancy has...”Publicado em 2014-03-01
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“... on it being a difficult scientific problem but also on its meaning in the technical world and our daily life...”
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Publicado no Cell Prolif
“...) were more likely to produce IL3, GM‐CSF, G‐CSF (56%, 43%, 50%) than cells with a low PA (33%, 36%, 36...”Obter o texto integral
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