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Por Kawa, K
Publicado em 1989
“.... In neutrophils under current-clamp conditions, a hyperpolarization-induced conductance increase was observed...”Publicado em 1989
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“...Effects of odorants on voltage-gated ionic channels were investigated in isolated newt olfactory...”
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“... receptor cell were examined by using photolysis of caged cNMP loaded from the whole-cell patch clamp...”
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Por Kurahashi, T
Publicado em 1990
“... receptor cells of the newt under a voltage-clamp condition by using the patch pipette in a whole-cell...”Publicado em 1990
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Por Kurahashi, T
Publicado em 1989
“...) was analysed in isolated olfactory receptor cells under the whole-cell voltage clamp condition. 2. Solitary...”Publicado em 1989
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Publicado em 1996
“... investigated by using the whole-cell version of the patch-clamp technique. Isolated olfactory cells had a...”Obter o texto integral
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Por Miklavčič, D., Serša, G., Brecelj, E., Gehl, J., Soden, D., Bianchi, G., Ruggieri, P., Rossi, C. R., Campana, L. G., Jarm, T.
Publicado em 2012
“... critical healthy tissue or organs in its vicinity. This can be achieved by image guided insertion...”Publicado em 2012
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“...Computers in Radiology...”
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Por Lionetti, Elena, Francavilla, Ruggiero, Leonardi, Salvatore, Tomarchio, Stefania, Gennaro, Alessia, Franzonello, Chiara, Rosa, Mario La
Publicado em 2014
“..., ultrasound, computed tomography scan and magnetic resonance imaging were normal. One year after...”Publicado em 2014
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“... were obtained by the whole-cell patch-clamp technique, using a superfusate containing a GABA antagonist...”
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