Pesquisas alternativas:
absent native » present native (Expandir a Pesquisa), absent nails (Expandir a Pesquisa), absent nerve (Expandir a Pesquisa)
ventral nerve » femoral nerve (Expandir a Pesquisa)
nerve cases » nerve case (Expandir a Pesquisa), nerve caused (Expandir a Pesquisa), nerve changes (Expandir a Pesquisa)
native cyst » negative cyst (Expandir a Pesquisa), native cat (Expandir a Pesquisa), native cas9 (Expandir a Pesquisa)
cent nerve » bent nerve (Expandir a Pesquisa), crest nerve (Expandir a Pesquisa), central nerve (Expandir a Pesquisa)
nerve cyst » nerve case (Expandir a Pesquisa), nerve cat (Expandir a Pesquisa), nerve system (Expandir a Pesquisa)
cases does » case does (Expandir a Pesquisa), cases dos (Expandir a Pesquisa), cases due (Expandir a Pesquisa)
a ventral » _ ventral (Expandir a Pesquisa), a ventura (Expandir a Pesquisa)
cyst dis » cyst due (Expandir a Pesquisa)
j absent » _ absent (Expandir a Pesquisa), l absent (Expandir a Pesquisa), 17 absent (Expandir a Pesquisa)
i cent » i cento (Expandir a Pesquisa), ai cent (Expandir a Pesquisa), i cena (Expandir a Pesquisa)
absent native » present native (Expandir a Pesquisa), absent nails (Expandir a Pesquisa), absent nerve (Expandir a Pesquisa)
ventral nerve » femoral nerve (Expandir a Pesquisa)
nerve cases » nerve case (Expandir a Pesquisa), nerve caused (Expandir a Pesquisa), nerve changes (Expandir a Pesquisa)
native cyst » negative cyst (Expandir a Pesquisa), native cat (Expandir a Pesquisa), native cas9 (Expandir a Pesquisa)
cent nerve » bent nerve (Expandir a Pesquisa), crest nerve (Expandir a Pesquisa), central nerve (Expandir a Pesquisa)
nerve cyst » nerve case (Expandir a Pesquisa), nerve cat (Expandir a Pesquisa), nerve system (Expandir a Pesquisa)
cases does » case does (Expandir a Pesquisa), cases dos (Expandir a Pesquisa), cases due (Expandir a Pesquisa)
a ventral » _ ventral (Expandir a Pesquisa), a ventura (Expandir a Pesquisa)
cyst dis » cyst due (Expandir a Pesquisa)
j absent » _ absent (Expandir a Pesquisa), l absent (Expandir a Pesquisa), 17 absent (Expandir a Pesquisa)
i cent » i cento (Expandir a Pesquisa), ai cent (Expandir a Pesquisa), i cena (Expandir a Pesquisa)
“... that make their resection challenging. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We studied 64 cases of posterior fossa...”
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“... approach to maxillary nerve anesthesia using a curved needle, having in mind that such a procedure is less...”
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“... lateral border and perforate the muscle after travelling a short distance in the ventral direction...”
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“... ventral root. In cases where gaps were apparent in dorsal root sheaths, a subgroup of dorsal root axons...”
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Por Paulo Vinícius Tertuliano Marinho, Rodrigo de Souza Mendes, Juliana Molina Martins, Renato Otaviano do Rego, Erica Emerenciano Albuquerque, Carolina Camargo Zani
Publicado no Acta Scientiae Veterinariae (2013)
“... of locking bone plate to stabilize axis fracture in a dog and the results obtained with this technique. Case...”Publicado no Acta Scientiae Veterinariae (2013)
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Por Matteo Baccolini, Marco Rosati, Federica Tirrito, Francesca Cozzi, Rocco Lombardo
Publicado em 2022-05-01
“... with the endolymphatic compartment and contains endolymph. Endolymphatic sac tumor is a rare neoplasm involving...”Publicado em 2022-05-01
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